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How to adapt to the development of Chinese human resources


Investment in talent is investment in the future competitiveness of the enterprise. The enterprise should have a more long-term and overall perspective in human resource management.

Since the release of "Made in China 2025", many Chinese manufacturers have entered into the profound changes dedicated to building the future "smart factory". However, the lack of professionals and compound talents is restricting the acceleration of enterprises. Executives in the global manufacturing industry have rated "talent" as the most important driver of global manufacturing competitiveness. Solving the problem of future talents has become a major "challenge" that companies cannot circumvent.

Talent changes

When the large-scale rise of the mobile Internet, people who learned Java became a shortage of talents at that time; artificial intelligence has developed rapidly in the past two years, and professionals in the field of artificial intelligence have become the "sweet meat" that everyone is fighting for. At the same time, big data, With the rapid development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, digital talents continue to receive attention.

The past development law proves that every large-scale development of technology will extensively impact the methods of talent discovery, acquisition and attraction formed by the previous precipitation. Both employees and enterprises will be impacted by technology and need to make corresponding changes. As we all know, in the process of enterprise transformation, the core technology that enterprises need to break through is the core technology. With the deepening of advanced enterprises and the successive entry of later enterprises, professional talents are continuously valued because lack of talents has become a "common problem" in the development process of enterprises. For an enterprise, talent is always the first productive force. Some companies also hold mature technologies that can be quickly productized. However, we cannot rely on the existing technology to eat the old capital and stop pursuing innovation, so it is crucial to continuously supplement and train high-tech talents. The more specialized the core technology, the better. In addition, China's senior management talent is extremely scarce. For example, some enterprises have first-class equipment and production lines, but they cannot achieve the efficiency they deserve, which is far from the level of similar foreign companies. The reason is that the operation management There are not enough high-end talents, which is actually a bottleneck for the development of all Chinese enterprises. High-end operations management talents must not only master management communication skills, but also understand related technologies. Indeed, with the changes in technology and society, the content of talents will also appear new content. For enterprises, it is possible that various rules for employees' work, study, and management will change.

In the past, the machine operators were all professional technical talents and needed special training. In the future, various applications will be made into various software, which can automatically identify the environment and adopt the corresponding operation mode. In other words, future talents must not only have cross-disciplinary professional and technical knowledge, but also need to have certain operational capabilities to become a compound talent with multiple capabilities. Future talents must not only have management knowledge in the traditional sense, but also have a deeper understanding of modern science and technology, and be a talent with both technology and management.

High-end talents should also master some other subjective abilities, such as having their own courage and being able to judge the future trend rationally. From this generation, they have entered a new revolutionary era, and all aspects of daily life and work will change in the future. This means that it should be understood which jobs may be undertaken by computers and which jobs will be undertaken by humans in the future.

All in all, the future trend of enterprise intelligence and integration will require more and more comprehensive capabilities such as cross-disciplinary technical knowledge of talents and overall operational management awareness. Including human subjective initiative will become more and more important. In the past, relatively simple executors and operators have played a more coordinating role. They need to be able to make various plans, evaluations and decisions with a certain overall awareness.

The way to break through

As the market accelerates, recruiting and cultivating professionals suitable for corporate development becomes extremely important. For enterprises, the previous "internal training" and "external introduction" are still the two main methods, but the talent acquisition under these two methods is also constantly changing. Enterprises should invest more energy in career strategies, talent mobility, organizational ecosystems and networks, etc. to promote the innovation of individuals and organizations. But the problem is no longer as simple as training or designing a better career, but companies must review and focus on leadership, architecture, diversity, technology, and the overall employee experience with a new and extremely challenging perspective .

From the perspective of the enterprise itself, in order to form a talent-based innovation culture, the organization structure, talent team, and salary design of the company should tend to be dominated by human resources innovation. For example, there are nearly 80% R & D teams in the organizational structure. Recruitment of talents is also mainly around R & D and design talents; the salary system and incentive methods are also around innovation and R & D.

The transformation of the enterprise, in terms of talents, uses more incentive mechanisms, constantly respects and optimizes talents, and builds a strong talent team for the innovation and development of the enterprise; and management, in order to quickly adapt to market changes or foresee the market Change, implement flat management and speed up information transmission. These are all changes made in the organization structure and management of talents, and the innovation in human resources management within the enterprise cannot be ignored.

As a promoter of enterprise development and reform, human resource workers should be committed to updating and formulating talent development plans corresponding to enterprise development. An important driving force for future careers is that the organization focuses on creating a learning culture. Not only do companies need to reform their learning and development plans, they may also need to fundamentally reshape their career models; employees must be able to adjust throughout the process to adapt to changing jobs, occupations, and industries.

Talent development

The most difficult is the change of concept, because enterprises require thinking to change from recursive mode to recursive mode, from positive mode to reverse mode, and from micro thinking to macro thinking. In addition to the internal changes in the enterprise, the enterprise's talents need to be changed in the way of "external introduction" in the future. Enterprises should broaden their cognitive horizons on talent training and sources. Enterprises should formulate differentiated talent introduction strategies that are different from the past. The introduction of talents should not be limited to the talent market, recruitment websites, and headhunting cooperation under vague concepts (for example, emphasizing recruitment by the company ’s supervisor, headhunting is only a resume Supply platform) but should discover and open up a more cooperative model, expand the company's talent training to external channel providers, and the source of talent outside the organization should also be regarded as an important channel for enterprise talent development.

Now it is gradually taking shape, and some enterprises are deepening the exploration is that the enterprise and the headhunting service organization establish a "partnership" mode. Both sides are increasingly looking at the search for future talent with a holistic perspective. This collaborative development talent model solves the enterprise's demand for high-end talents with management and technology in the field of manufacturing and operations with international vision.

Many bosses have stated that they need to rely on themselves for talent training, but they ca n’t be alone on the stage. They should join forces from outside the organization to participate in the enterprise talent solution system. Enterprises themselves should be more aware of "cross-development". It is necessary to continuously discover that all parties that can be combined and are worthy of joint participation are involved, to develop a new type of cooperation model, and finally form a joint force, which is the real solution.