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Human resources fun micro-management: Although the action is simple, the effect is extraordinary


Before discussing the substance of human resources fun micro management, let everyone answer a few questions:

One of the problems is that if you have visited military camps or watched videos about army building, you will find that both soldiers and officers have their quilts stacked neatly, just like tofu pieces. Is this just for uniformity?

The second problem is that in many service-oriented or commercial companies, they will train the service staff to smile. The common method is to let the trainee gently bite the chopsticks with their front teeth, and the corners of the mouth are aligned with the chopsticks. , Keep the connection between the ends of the lips and the chopsticks at the same level, and keep this state for 10 seconds. Do you think they are doing this just to please customers?

Question three, the executives of a company in Japan set a rule for themselves: line up at the gate every day when employees go to work, bowing to every employee who comes, do they just do to show respect for employees ?

For this, maybe you think of the answer, maybe you are still thinking about it. Let's ignore it first, and start to enter the subject of our human resources fun micro management. With the deepening of the discussion, you will realize the answers to the above three questions.

Human resources management is not only a tall thing like human resources strategic management, but also not only has the depressing standards and regulations for attendance and assessment, it is not like people think that it is always boring and tasteless and lacks human value. Of human resource managers will make human resource management more humanized and interesting from a microscopic level, and will achieve effects beyond imagination. We temporarily call it human resource micro-management.

Human resources micro-management has two layers of connotation. First, it starts with human behavior and cultivates the expected efficiency of human resource management; second, it makes management more humanized and interesting, and enables members to achieve a win-win situation with the organization in pleasure . Today, we will list one and two, hoping to enlighten you and make human resource management friendly and enjoyable.

Recent studies in cognitive psychology have found that the way and steps of the cognitive process are actually determined by the physical properties of the human body; cognition is what happens when the body acts on the physical and cultural world; cognition, body Form a dynamic unity with the environment. Speak slowly, a little ignorant, what do you mean? Simple understanding refers to the actions of people can affect people's psychology and subsequent behavior. Known as the embodied cognitive theory.

Embodied cognition is also called "concretion", which mainly refers to the strong connection between physiological experience and psychological state, and physiological experience "activates" the psychological feeling, and vice versa. In short, people smile when they are happy, and if they smile, people tend to be happier.

At this point, maybe everyone is still a little confused. We will analyze it with specific examples to make it clear.

Return to the problem we mentioned at the beginning, smile training. On the surface, its purpose is to make the service staff affable and close the psychological distance to customers to facilitate marketing. However, with the analysis of body cognitive theory, it also has a function: the person who maintains a smiling expression will also produce a pleasant psychology, that is, the physiological behavior "activates" the psychological feeling, so that the smile becomes from the heart Happy emotions. According to Daniel Gorman's research on "Father of Emotional Intelligence", the work efficiency of employees in a good emotional state is at least 30% to 60% higher than the work efficiency in a bad emotional state.

Psychologists conducted such an experiment so that the chopsticks held by the anterior teeth (the connection between the chopsticks and the corners of the two mouths was perpendicular) were removed after 10 seconds, and the immediate investigation found that almost every participant was excited There is a psychological feeling of "anger".

HWYJ company's development department manager, based on the recommendations of human resource management experts, promotes "share happiness" activities in the department. The first thing everyone does after work every day-let employees take turns to share with you a happy thing they encounter, which can also be a little joke or story. After 6 months, interviews and observations revealed that the mental outlook of the department staff has been greatly improved compared with before; the efficiency of software development has also been greatly improved; and the relationship between people is more harmonious and harmonious.

  how about it? Do you find the interesting micro-management of human resources more interesting? Of course, to promote human resource management to more specific human emotion management, from rule making to micro-behavior design, every human resource manager needs to strengthen the study of psychology and related knowledge, and strengthen the experiment and practice.

I hope you have better human resources micro-management practices to share with you.